A saturday evening!

On Saturday was it time to drink some wine and practice our moves on the dance floor!






                                                              And our guests for the evening!





And after showing off on the dance floor, are evening ended at the “falafel-man” for some chips!

Professor Mathiesen

Update from the libary!
Stigma, the evil of inaction and ordinary men.


Now: Time for the mandatory libary chai-latte!

Spring is here!

The sun is shining and I´m off to a photoshoot with the editorial staff of the school magazine!


... and it will be 17 degreese in Växjö in friday, to bad we have our final exam that day.


Let me introduce Kodyo and Hen:


Those two live in our couch, and if the outside can´t tell, they are owls.

Kodyo spelled with and Y and Hen who also can be called Bea as a nickname for Beatrice (or Bearnasiesås).
Simply a part of our family!


On Friday evening was it time for some “moving-in-wine” and “moving-in-cheese”  at Göransson/Hansson´s crib!






Some people are very fast to complain when this blog has been a bit to badly updated, I don´t mention any names but I do have pictures.

Whatch and enjoy!


On the road again!

In one hour leaves the train up to Sundsvall, I´m going home this weekend.

The aim with the weekend is to try to organize all my stuff and bring some back to the new apartement, go skiing together with Sas if Sundsvall still has some snow to offer but mostly I just gonna stalk a handsome boy and enjoying not being 830 kilometers away from him!


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