Life on university

Time is flying, and my blog isn´t.

Last week was it introduction week on the university and for my programme, International Social Science. In sweden this week is more known as "Nollning" and a week when you do stupid but fun stuff.

My class was divied in to four diffrent teams/countries and I enden up in Russia. So the whole week I was talkning with a russina accent, after a while you actully get usead to it. Everyone was also wearinf those fancy fashion clothes, white millitary trousers that was bigger than 3 normal persons and a yellow reflectiv vest. That was the deresscode for the week, day as night.

We played a lot of fun games, had an olympiad, a city tour with diffrent assigments to do there one was to take a picture of yourself in the back of a police car. So now I´ve been in the back of a police car!

It was a hard week, but a fun week!

I got to know my classmates, the city and the life on the university.

A one time experience!


   One of the games. To play soccer on soap and water is kind of slippery, just ask me and my class!


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