Happy 2012!
Holidays over, so better start doing some blogging again!
Christmas was as always a lot of food, doing the same thing as every year and really really cosy!
I had amazing days with old friends, two tours with my skies, fun time with little cosine and one of the best Christmas holidays so far actually!
And then I left the country, in the middle of everything, to stalk my favourite bear for some days, Yogi (as also goes under the name Gloria).
She picked me up at the train station at to see her again, after exactly six months away from each other it was amazing to hug her! We looked at mountains (or I did because she´s kind of used to them), she showed my her home town, we went to the Kägi-Fretli factory in Switzerland, drove through Lichtenstein, celebrated New Years together, drank bear, smelled chocolate in the Milka-city, ate “Knäs-knöpfle”, missed a train and just enjoyed life.
Tumbs up for Austria and for her coming to Sweden in summer!
And I admit, I´m the worst tourist ever. I just took some photos with my phone, but I can’t find the cable that connects my phone with my computer so now pictures to show from the land of mountains. You just have to believe my words!